Power System
Consulting: Moving the Power Grid into the Future
Michael Milligan, Ph.D.
Example of Recent Projects
- Regional workshops on Grid Reliability
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
- Public Utility Commissions in MISO,
SPP footprints
- Expert testimony for Integrated
Resource Plans in Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico
- Authoring technical reports on grid
reliability services, resource adequacy, wholesale
market enhancements
- Evaluate the value of wholesale market
enhancements to consumer electricity costs
- Expert review of research reports for
the International Energy Agency
- Invited presentations at SPP,
Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, North
American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC),
Renewable Energy Alaska
- Advising Western Interstate Energy
Board on EIM (energy imbalance market) market
enhancements in the Western Interconnection
Recent clients include: