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Wind turbines in sun glow
Power System Consulting: Moving the Power Grid into the Future

Michael Milligan, Ph.D.

Milligan Grid Solutions, Inc.

Dr. Michael Milligan is an independent power system consultant, specializing in the integration of renewable energy into the power grid. He is a trusted expert in the power system industry, renewable energy industry, and the international research community related to bulk power system integration of renewable energy, with expertise in:
  • renewable resource integration into the transmission (bulk) system
  • bulk system reliability and resource adequacy
  • bulk power system operational analysis and economics
  • operating reserves and ancillary services
  • resource planning
  • testimony in regulatory proceedings
  • education/training to both technical and non-technical audiences

Michael has more than 34 years experience in power system research and resource planning, and has published more than 225 technical papers and reports.

Contact: milligangridsolutions@gmail.com